Our Ethics Policy
This policy establishes the framework under which official records and documents of TriageLogic are created and managed.
- i. Records and documents created, received or used by RMRDC staff in the normal course of business, including all email communication, are the property of the Council, unless otherwise agreed. This includes reports compiled by external consultants commissioned by the Council.
- ii. The Council email system is Council property, and as such, is subject to monitoring.
- iii. System monitoring is done for employee protection and the protection of the rights or property of RMRDC.
- As noted above, electronic mail is subject at all times to monitoring, and the release of specific information is subject to applicable laws and RMRDC rules, policies and procedures on confidentiality. Existing rules, policies and procedures governing the sharing of confidential information also apply to the sharing of information via commercial software.
- iv.
RMRDC official records constitute its corporate memory, and as such are a vital asset for ongoing
operations, and for providing evidence of business activities and transactions. They assist in making better
informed decisions and improving operations by providing an accurate record of what has occurred before.
Therefore, records are to be:
• Managed in a consistent and structured manner
• Managed in accordance with RMRDC guidelines and procedures
• Stored in a secure manner; (RMRDC SERVER) And documents are to be:
Editorial Policy
Greater emphasis shall be laid on applied research findings that have potential to improve industrial processes, particularly, those that are related to:
- a. Processing of existing minerals and agricultural raw materials, new and advanced materials and petrochemicals.
- b. Substituting imported industrial raw materials.
- C. Development of process technology or fabrication of machines and other components, particularly, through the upgrading of local technology. d. Any other research findings that are considered relevant to the objectives of the journal by the editorial board.